Sprinkler System | Dry Riser

The installation and commissioning of dry risers and sprinkler systems are vital for ensuring effective fire protection in buildings. These systems must be installed and tested meticulously to comply with safety standards and regulations.


What we do:

Installation of dry risers:

Planning and Design
Assess the building’s fire protection needs based on its size, occupancy, and layout.

Design the dry riser system layout, including inlet breeching, vertical risers, landing valves, and outlet points on each floor.

Material Selection
Choose appropriate materials such as galvanized steel or ductile iron pipes, and fire-resistant fittings.

Ensure all materials meet fire safety standards and regulations.

Site Preparation
Prepare the installation sites by clearing obstructions and ensuring structural integrity.

Secure access for installation in stairwells or designated service shafts.

Pipework Installation
Install the main riser pipe vertically through the building, ensuring secure mounting and support.

Connect the inlet breeching to an accessible location for fire service use, usually at ground level.

Fittings and Valves
– Install landing valves on each floor for fire service connection during an emergency.

– Ensure all valves and fittings are easily accessible and clearly labelled.

Installation of sprinkler systems:

Planning and Design
Conduct a fire risk assessment and design the sprinkler system layout based on building codes.

Determine the placement of sprinkler heads, pipes, pumps, and control valves to cover all required areas.


Material Selection
Choose suitable pipes (e.g., steel, CPVC), sprinkler heads, pumps, and control valves.

Ensure materials are approved for fire protection use and comply with standards.


Site Preparation
Prepare installation sites by ensuring proper access and clearance.

Coordinate with other building services to avoid clashes.


Pipework Installation
Install main and branch piping networks, ensuring proper support and alignment.

Position and install sprinkler heads according to the design plan to ensure optimal coverage.


Pumps and Controls
Install fire pumps, control valves, and alarm systems in a dedicated pump room or service area.

Connect the sprinkler system to the water supply and ensure the control panel is accessible.


System Flushing and Cleaning:
– Flush the piping systems to remove debris and ensure clean internal surfaces.

– Use water or air flushing techniques as required.


Pressure Testing
– Conduct hydrostatic pressure tests to check for leaks and verify the integrity of the pipework.

– Ensure all joints, valves, and fittings are secure and leak-free.


Operational Testing
– Test the dry riser by connecting a fire service hose to the inlet and checking water flow at each landing valve.

– Test the sprinkler system by simulating fire conditions and verifying that sprinkler heads activate and provide adequate water coverage.


Compliance Verification
– Ensure both systems meet local fire safety codes and regulations.

– Document compliance and obtain necessary inspections and certifications from fire authorities.


Final Inspection
– Conduct a thorough inspection with stakeholders, including fire safety officers and building owners.

– Address any deficiencies or concerns before final approval.


– Provide detailed documentation, including system schematics, operation manuals, and test results.

– Ensure records are kept for future maintenance and inspections.


Training and Handover
– Train building maintenance staff and fire safety personnel on the operation and maintenance of the systems.

– Provide comprehensive operation manuals and emergency procedures.

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